

We offer various voice routes to our customers based on their quality requirements.

  • Wholesale Voice Routes: This trunk consist of lowest priced NCLI routes with average quality and no back up routes in case of route failure. This is optimal trunk for wholesale traffic.
  • Retail Voice Routes: This trunk consist of a mixture of direct NCLI and CLI routes with excellent voice quality and 1 to 2 back up routes in case of route failure. This is a optimal trunk for retail traffic where CLI is not required.
  • Premium Voice Routes: This trunk consist of only premium CLI routes with excellent quality and multiple back up routes in case of route failure. This is a optimal trunk when CLI is a requirement along with excellent voice quality.

In order to provide best possible services to our customers with out any technical glitches we use our own billing platform VRTP (VoIP Routes Trading Platform).
Please contact us at in order to get latest rates for various trunks.



Teleserve Corporation was formed in January’ 2014 with a dream of becoming world-leading Telecom Service Provider.